

this apple candy is for you

this apple candy is for you

Azmi here. Born on June ’94, Indonesian. Born in Samarinda, East Borneo, Indonesia. A suburb girl that trying to give a little something to the world. Pretty much trying to be Khaleesi for Khal Hoffmann. Our small Khalasar is currently stopping for living in Aachen, Germany

he is my amulet.

he is my amulet.

I met him on 2012 and love each other and travel together ever since. Our amazingly meticolous journey are (hopefully) soon to be on 200 pages novel that you can read with your afternoon tea. Finally after 2 years of struggle we finally tie the knot on December 2014.

I believe my life in this world is with purpose. I keep searching it since i was junior high school. I got the general idea of my purpose tho, and make it as my life goal. But I am still searching the rest of it. Being twentysomething indeed makes me braver to try anything. And being married just complete everything and put me in my nothing to lose state.

And I also believe in Islam. I believe that there is higher state that guard every human being and everyone will go back to Him in the end of the day. I practice my religion with full knowledge and logic and practice those which are just bring peace and goodness to the world.

love books

love books

I am a bookeater that becomes aspiring writer. Other than that I am also an education enthusiast and behaviour observer. As a foodie, I cook and eat more than I am exercising. I love differences, I find diversity as the best beauty.


Btw this blog is always be my way to keep writing and sharpened my english. Its pretty mess up here. And actually i dont write much until mid of 2014. Most of my blog was about poetry but now I feel like I will post anything that I find worth to share.

Overall, i like to make friends. Finding new character is just finding another treasure for me. So, if you ever stopped by on my blog, would you mind to introduce yourself. I love questions and comments, don’t mind to speak out to me, don’t mind to bother me.

bibi 2453

Bunch of hugs,



47 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Azim, thank you for following my site, and I am happy to introduce myself. I call myself Squatch, ( like Sassquatch ) and welcome you, your comments, and youe spirit into our lives. I wonder why people decide to follow my posts, so maybe you can tell me that, when you next stop by. You have a great place here. Sorry this is written in English, I don’t really speak other languages much, and haven’t set up a translator program yet. I try to follow those that follow me, but I am way behind in seeing everyone’s work out here. See you soon.

  2. Assalamu’alaikum, ukhti Azmi! Wah seneng akhirnya ketemu temen blogger dr Indonesia. 😊 Sy Eva dr Jawa Barat. Eh, itu gmn ceritanya ketemu Muslim dr luar? Seru kayanya! Mksh dh follow blog sy! Sy nulis pk b. Inggris juga di blog, lg belajar bahasa Inggris lg. Salam ukhuwah! 😊

  3. Halo salam kenal Azmi, btw itu yang di foto candy apple bukan? dari dulu penasaran banget rasanya kaya apa blom pernah nyobain hahaha
    senang liatnya sama mas bul-bul, happy terus yaaa 🙂

  4. Kak Azmi, beruntung banget bisa ke jerman, aku pengen banget kesana, boleh dong share kok bisa sampek aachen sekarang?
    btw puisinya keren
    Salam kenal dari Jawa Timur 🙂 Mahasiswa di ITS Surabaya

      • Yuhuu, lagi on fire belajar bahasa jerman nih, kalau otodidak kmungkinan suksesnya gimana ya? rada’ ragu juga sih pilih ambil kursus atau belajar sendiri, sejauh ini masih belajar sendiri,

  5. Eh saya belum mampir di sini ya? :haha. Mohon maaf! Salam kenal (lagi), ya. Suka dengan tulisan dan buku-buku yang ada di foto itu, mengundang banget buat dibaca :hehe. Jangan lupa kabar-kabar kalau novel 200 halaman itu sudah terbit ya, semoga kalau sempat sampai ke tangan saya bisa dibaca :hihi. Terima kasih, keep writing, keep inspiring!

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